Beginning 2021, I was brought to help on a great project that would end up not being finished. But Fabien wasn't willing to let it collect virtual dust in a dropbox. Here's a reel of everything that was done. My biggest part was animating this lady turning her head with her hair in the wind.

At that time, I was only getting back to making wavy movements in cel, so I had to use a lot of guides to pin down the ups and downs. It was a long process but lucky for me, Battle Axe's Timelord had just come out, letting me go back and forth between An, Ps and Ae without worry.
Fabien, Nico and Renaud were very supportive during the process and forgiving enough of my inconsistent brush strokes. The rest of the scene was already in place, I just had to put in the lady and scene was done.
Rough and tiedown in Adobe Animate
Color and texture in Photoshop
Comp in After Effects

Original idea: Nicolas Grandry, Renaud Lavency, Fabien Rousseau
Direction: Fabien Rousseau
Art Direction / Illustration: Renaud Lavency
Animation: Fabien Rousseau, Nicolas Grandry, Simon Schu, Evert Van Houcke
Music: Léo Chartier
Special Thanks: Antoine Assumani